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Tag: Analytics

Analytics topics and informational resources for attorneys interested in using analytics as part of their eDiscovery and litigation strategy.

Advanced Analytics

Advanced analytics are necessary tools to help you win in modern litigation. BIA supports and offers the most technically advanced analytics on the market.

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Search and Analytics

BIA uses Search and Analytics for its clients’ legal matters to reduce costs by filtering and culling down data to manageable sizes.

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Boolean Logic (Search)

Boolean logic is an important tool used to search for documents and data in the eDiscovery process for legal compliance.

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Practical Uses of Brainspace

This webinar covers advanced review analytics in a clear and understandable way while providing real-world examples of its everyday use.

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How to Avoid Clawbacks

Needing to clawback inadvertently produced privileged documents is a way to save your case but also a procedure that every lawyer never wants to have to use.

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