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Tag: eDiscovery

eDiscovery resources such as blog posts, articles, webinars and case studies for corporate legal departments and law firms to become more informed about new trends, the right processes to use as professionals and for updated information about the field in general.

Reprographics and Scanning

BIA paper production, legal scanning and and reprographics services are delivered with the same quality as our electronic document services.

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eDiscovery Managed Services

Since our founding nearly two decades ago, we have been helping enterprises control their own eDiscovery destinies by offering the unique BIA eDscovery managed service...

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eDiscovery in Office 365

eDiscovery in Office 365 has become more mature and contains many features that help organizations perform in-house eDiscovery without the need to purchase expensive a...

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Technology Assisted Review (TAR)

BIA Glossary Entry: Technology Assisted Review (TAR) – advanced analytics and predictive coding method to accurately and rapidly progress through documents.

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eDiscovery Software

eDiscovery software is a critical component in today’s modern litigation arena. BIA delivers and supports best-in-breed software for every part of the eDiscover...

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eDiscovery Best Practices Guide

BIA has helped many corporations fine-tune their eDiscovery practices by documenting and implementing processes to ensure effective, secure and legally defensible eDis...

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eDiscovery Consulting & Advisory

BIA has been consulting with and advising clients about eDiscovery issues since before that was an industry term. BIA has designed and helped execute hundreds of ESI ...

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Search and Analytics

BIA uses Search and Analytics for its clients’ legal matters to reduce costs by filtering and culling down data to manageable sizes.

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